Executive Committee

The Executive Committee addresses many of the operational and financial needs of the Society.  Between meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee shall have and exercise the power and authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the Society.  The Board of Directors may amend or rescind any action taken by the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee will represent and assist the Board of Directors in the management of all aspects of the Society within the stated goals and mission of the AMSSM.


  • Bylaws – Maintain an effective and current set of Bylaws capable of meeting the needs of the Society in an efficient manner.
    • Responsibilities include reviewing the Bylaws for updates and revisions, and when requested, make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding Bylaw interpretations.  
    • These responsibilities are led by the Secretary/Treasurer. 
  • Finance – Provide effective oversight of all AMSSM financial activities.
    • Responsibilities include oversight of the financial affairs of the Society including recommendations for investment policy, annual budget, audit report, all Society financial approval policies and other financial matters referred to it by the Board.  Specific responsibilities include:
      • Prepare annual budget.
      • Review annual meeting budget.
      • Review and approve any budget for other courses or meetings.
      • Coordinate an annual audit.
      • Oversee investments and investment guidelines. 
    • These responsibilities are led by the President. 
  • Future Sites – Maintain a schedule for future Annual Meetings of the Society ensuring adequate space accounting for predicted growth.
    • Work with staff to annually update a potential list of host cities/hotels/convention centers for the AMSSM Annual Meeting.
    • The AMSSM generally tries to follow an alternating East, West, Mid-West schedule so that members will have meetings that are relatively closer to them at some point. 
      • This can be alternated for a Rendezvous meeting.  Rendezvous meetings require working with the CASM Executive Director and President when considering.  There are financial arrangements that may make this collaboration challenging.  AMSSM needs to consider membership growth and the potential effect of an international meeting on vendors and Foundation sponsors.
    • As needed, members of the Executive Committee will participate in site visits for new host cities or host venues for the Annual Meeting.  
      • This responsibility is led by the Second Vice President and Immediate Past President.  It is important to have someone experienced in planning a prior Annual Meeting, so if the Immediate Past President is unable to attend a site visit, a Past President may be asked as his or her replacement.  
  • Nominations – Prepare a list and select candidates for Officer and Board positions that represent the best candidates for the positions.  
    • Nominations for the Board:
      • A general call/email to the membership and Board of Directors/Committee Chairs is undertaken soliciting recommendations for the Board.  
      • Individuals may nominate themselves.  
      • Staff and the Executive Committee will maintain a list of those who have been nominated in the past.  This should be considered so that an individual is not asked to run too frequently and, if appropriate, an individual can be re-nominated.
      • At the winter Board meeting (usually in November), comments from the Board will be solicited regarding candidates.
      • Candidates invited to run for the Board should be provided or directed to a list of Board responsibilities before agreeing to serve. 
      • A list of nominees will be forwarded to the AMSSM office by early December.
      • Candidates must provide a personal statement to the office by due date determined by staff (usually in December).
    • Nominations for Officers:
      • The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Immediate Past President will choose the two candidates to run for Second Vice President.  The Second Vice President candidates must have been prior Board members.  
      • Clarify the term of Secretary/Treasurer, and choose two candidates to run for Secretary/Treasurer if needed. 
      • Candidates must provide a personal statement to the office by due date (provided by Jody Gold in December).
      • Solicit recommendations from staff regarding Board members and Second Vice President candidates.  They can provide information about a candidate that is not readily apparent – i.e. they are always late with projects, doesn’t get Board reports in, hasn’t attended all past Board meetings, etc. 
      • Election of Board and Officers is held via secure internet voting.  Those members who do not have an email address or who have requested to have mail correspondence will be mailed a ballot. 
      • Election result totals will be provided to the Executive Committee but only general results are shared with others.  
  • Joint Commission for Sports Medicine
    • The Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science provides a forum for professionals and leaders from organizations to discuss the issues that will affect the future of the discipline.  The Joint Commission is typically hosted by a city to try and get society convention business.  This is a great networking opportunity and should be attended by at least one representative from the Executive Committee.
      • It is recommended the President and Executive Director attend, along with another member of the Executive Committee, usually the First Vice President.


The Executive Committee is chaired by the President and consists of the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Secretary/Treasurer and the Immediate Past President of the Society.


© The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine
4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100
Leawood, KS 66211
Phone: 913.327.1415

Website created by the computer geek