AMSSM Presents Workshop at 2015 ECOSEP Meeting

As part of a partnership exchange with the European College of the Sport and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP), (L to R) Drs. Matt Gammons (1st Vice President), Katherine Dec (2nd Vice President) and David Berkoff (Board of Director) presented a clinical workshop titled Tendinopathy: Brain to Biology to Function during the combined 4th Congress of ECOSEP/7th Muscletech Network Workshop in Barcelona, Spain Oct. 7-9, 2015.

The conference offered an extensive look at muscle and tendon research.  The AMSSM-led workshop consisted of topics covering the following:
The Biology-Cytokines and Tendinopathy
The Nuances of Function and Movement in the Kinetic Chain 
Tendinopathy: the Other Brain Injury

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