Author: Lauren Wichman, MD
Co Author #1: Marie Schaefer, MD
Co Author #2: Tamanna Singh, MD
Senior Editor: Yaowen (Eliot) Hu, MD, MBA
Editor: Bernadette Pendergraph, MD
Patient Presentation:
19 year-old female NCAA Division-I volleyball player presented with cough, fatigue, and body aches.
A 19 year-old female NCAA Division-I volleyball player with history of inducible laryngeal obstruction, moderate persistent asthma, and supraventricular tachycardia status post ablation presents with cough, fatigue, and body aches with a positive COVID-19 test. She was seen in the cardiology clinic with new onset of palpitations, heart racing out of proportion to her level of exertion, severe headaches, and shortness of breath. She reported her resting heart rate to be 90 beats per minute, but with standing her heart rate would increase to 140 beats per minute, and with walking up stairs her heart rate would increase to 190 beats per minute.
Physical Exam:
Orthostatic vital signs: supine blood pressure 115/68 heart rate 55, standing blood pressure 113/76 heart rate 97
General: Well-appearing female in no acute distress.
Neck: She had no jugular venous distension, carotid bruits, or palpable thyromegaly. She had a normal carotid upstroke.
Lungs: Her lungs were clear to auscultation bilaterally without wheezing or rhonchi.
Heart: Her heart had a regular rhythm with normal S1 and S2. Her point of maximal impulse was not displaced. She had no murmurs, heaves, or rubs.
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