Asis Avulsion Fracture

Author: Zachary Noll, BS
Affiliation: Rowan Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine
Co Author(s): Altamash Raja, DO, RMSK, CSCS

Clinical Vignette: A 14-year-old female high school soccer player presented with 5 months of right anterior hip pain without any clear mechanism of injury. Pain was located over the anterior superior iliac spine and worsened with running, kicking, and jumping.

Type of Probe Used: 15-4 MHz Linear Transducer

An unlabeled short axis view of the right ASIS.

A labeled short axis view of the right ASIS showing marked cortical irregularity. Pain with sonopalpation at this site. Normal appearing sartorius and tensor fascia latae tendons.

An unlabeled long axis view of the right ASIS.

A labeled long axis view of the right ASIS showing marked cortical irregularity. Pain with sonopalpation at this site. Normal appearing sartorius tendon.

An unlabeled long axis view with Doppler of the right ASIS.

A labeled long axis view with Doppler of the right ASIS showing no hyperemia.

An unlabeled long axis view of the left (unaffected) ASIS.

A labeled long axis view of the left (unaffected) ASIS.

An unlabeled short axis view of the left (unaffected) ASIS.

A labeled short axis view of the left (unaffected) ASIS.

Unlabeled AP Pelvis XR correlate.

Labeled AP Pelvis XR correlate.

Unlabeled Frog Leg View XR correlate.

Labeled Frog Leg View XR correlate.

Unlabeled MRI Coronal STIR sequence correlate.

Labeled MRI Coronal STIR sequence correlate.

Unlabeled MRI Coronal T1 sequence correlate.

Labeled MRI Coronal T1 sequence correlate.
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A short axis view of the right ASIS sliding proximal to distal revealing normal sartorius and tensor fascia latae tendons and marked cortical irregularity with a probable step-off deformity.
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A long axis view of the right ASIS sliding medial to lateral revealing normal sartorius tendon and marked cortical irregularity with a probable step-off deformity.

NOTE: For more information, please contact the AMSSM, 4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100, Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 327-1415.

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