Deep Infrapatellar Bursopathy

Author: Michael Serra-Jovenich, DO, MMSc, CPT
Affiliation: Inspira Health / Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine PM&R Residency
Co Author(s): Tamzid Hassan, DO; Zachary Noll, OMS III; Altamash Raja, DO, RMSK, CSCS
Editor: Derek Stokes, MD

Clinical Vignette: 77-year-old male presented to clinic with three months of insidious onset left infrapatellar knee pain without an obvious inciting event including any report of trauma. His pain was most notably provoked when descending stairs and located primarily at the distal patellar tendon region. He otherwise denied any swelling or instability of the knee. On examination, range of motion was full without audible crepitus. Tenderness to palpation was identified at the inferior patellar pole and distal patellar tendon region.

Type of Probe Used: 15-4 MHz Linear Transducer

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REMOVE FROM CASE Short Axis View of the Left Quadriceps Tendon and Superior (Base) of the Patella
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Medial to lateral video of the left deep infrapatellar bursa - long axis to the distal patellar tendon and tibial tubercle. An anechoic fluid collection is visualized at deep infrapatellar bursa representing a possible deep infrapatellar bursopathy.

Long axis view of the distal patellar tendon/tibial tubercle with the deep infrapatellar bursa in view. Doppler overlay.
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Proximal to distal video of the patellar tendon from the inferior pole of the patella to the tibial tubercle - short axis to the patellar tendon. An area of hypoechogenicity representing tendinopathy versus small partial tear is briefly visualized proximally followed by an area of anechogenicity distally representing a fluid collection at deep infrapatellar bursa and possible bursopathy.

Long axis labeled view of the deep infrapatellar bursa with doppler overlay. Cortical irregularities are present. No hyperemia is visualized in the image. These findings represent a deep infrapatellar bursa fluid collection indicating possible bursopathy.

Short axis view of the distal patellar tendon and deep infrapatellar bursa with doppler overlay.
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Lateral to medial video of the inferior pole of the patella and proximal patellar tendon. An area of hypoechogenicity is visualized representing patellar tendinopathy with a possible small partial tear.

Short axis labeled view of the deep infrapatellar bursa with doppler overlay. No hyperemia is visualized in the image. These findings represent deep infrapatellar bursa fluid collection indicating possible bursopathy.

Unlabeled long axis view of the left inferior pole of the patella and proximal patellar tendon.

Labeled long axis view of the left inferior patellar pole and proximal patellar tendon. An area of highlighted hypoechogenicity was identified and may represent patellar tendinopathy versus a small partial thickness tear.

Short axis unlabeled view of the left proximal patellar tendon.

Short axis labeled view of the left proximal patellar tendon. An area of hypoechogenicity is highlighted and may represent patellar tendinopathy versus a small partial tendon tear.

NOTE: For more information, please contact the AMSSM, 4000 W. 114th Street, Suite 100, Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 327-1415.

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