Image Interpretation: A distended deep infrapatellar bursa suggestive of bursopathy was identified distally. No definitive hyperemia was visualized on the recorded images/videos. Additionally, a focal area of hypoechogenicity is noted at proximal patellar tendon attachment to the inferior patellar pole suggestive of a tendinopathy versus partial thickness tear.
Teaching Pearl: Two infrapatellar bursae exist (superficial and deep). The superficial infrapatellar bursa is located between the skin and tibial tubercle, while the deep infrapatellar bursa is located between the insertional portion distal patellar tendon and anterior/superior portion of tibia (Chatra). Deep infrapatellar bursitis/bursopathy, an uncommon source of anterior knee pathology, can present with or without knee pain and often lack visible static effusion due to its deep anatomical location making a clinical diagnosis challenging. Localized swelling, best visualized upon terminal knee extension, can be painful or painless and typically appears adjacent to the distal patellar tendon (LaPrade). Though its etiology remains unclear, it has been associated with direct trauma, infection (septic arthritis), gout, and overuse of the extensor mechanism. However, deep infrapatellar bursitis/bursopathy has also been found in those with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, Osgood-Schlatter, extra-articular villonodular synovitis, tenosynovial giant cell tumor, and insertional patellar tendinopathy. While MRI is considered the imaging modality of choice, barriers such as cost and access make ultrasound a valuable tool for detecting dynamic changes, confirming diagnoses, and guiding treatment (Jena).
Chatra PS. Bursae around the knee joints. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2012 Jan. Volume 22, Issue 1: 27-30. PMID: 22623812. PMCID: PMC3354353.
LaPrade RF. The anatomy of the deep infrapatellar bursa of the knee. Am J Sports Med. 1998 Jan-Feb. Volume 26, Issue 1: 129-32. PMID: 9474413.
Jena D, Barman A, Sahoo J, Patel R, Dalai A. A Case of Chronic Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis Complicated by Patellar Tendinopathy and its Evaluation With Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. Cureus. 2022 Feb 9. Volume 14, Issue 2: e22057. PMID: 35340491. PMCID: PMC8916200.