Author: Matthew Santa Barbara, MD
Co Author #1: Samuel Chu, MD
Senior Editor: Margaret Gibson, MD, FAMSSM
Editor: Natasha Desai, MD
Patient Presentation:
25 year old male recreational weightlifter with no significant past medical history presented with a chief complaint of right anterior hip pain.
Physical Exam:
GEN: well appearing, no acute distress
Abdominal: non-tender, non distended
Strength: 5/5 bilateral hip flexion, hip adduction, knee flexion and extension, 1st toe extension, dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
Sensation: intact L2-S1 dermatomes to light touch
Reflexes: 2+ and symmetric bilateral patella and Achilles
MSK: Lumbar Spine
Inspection: normal lordosis
Palpation: midline and paraspinals non-tender
ROM: full in flexion, extension, rotation
Special Tests:
Seated Slump: negative bilateral, Femoral Nerve Stretch Test: negative bilateral
MSK: Right Hip
Inspection: no swelling or erythema right anterior hip/groin
Palpation: non-tender over anterior superior iliac spine, femoral neck and adductors. No palpable inguinal hernia
ROM: full in flexion, internal rotation reduced by about 5 degrees compared to the left hip, full external rotation. No pain with resisted adduction
Special Tests: Log Roll: negative, Stinchfield: negative, Scour: positive, FADIR: positive, FABER: negative, Hop test: negative. No pain with resisted sit up
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