Lab Studies:
Na 139 K 4.4 Cl 107 CO2 20 BUN 17 Cr 1.09 Glu 113 Ca 9.0
Other Studies:
XR left tibia/fibula: No acute osseous finding seen. Case Photo #6 , Case Photo #7
XR left ankle: No acute osseous finding seen. Case Photo #1 , Case Photo #2 , Case Photo #3
MRA lower extremities with and without contrast: Thrombotic occlusion of left distal superficial femoral artery and left popliteal artery extending to proximal anterior tibial artery and tibioperoneal trunk with reconstitution of the calf vessels below the level of the knee with poor distal runoff. No anatomical variants identified; functional popliteal entrapment could be considered. Case Photo #4 , Case Photo #5
Vascular Surgery:
The patient was referred to Vascular Surgery for continued evaluation and treatment. He subsequently underwent follow-up duplex studies that did not reveal entrapment with dorsi- or plantar flexion of his left lower extremity. ABIs were obtained which were 0.4 on his left lower extremity compared to 1.07 on his right lower extremity.
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