Author: Daniel Day, DO
Co Author #1: Supervising Attending - Christine Blonski, DO
Patient Presentation:
23 YO Caucasian male with no past medical history. Recent college graduate, now works as a software engineer and engaged to be married.
3/29/10 - Presented to the walk in clinic with chief complaint of right knee pain. No imaging was done at that time. He was sent to physical therapy and had minimal improvement.
4/19/10 - Presented to the ER with increased R knee pain after he slipped but caught himself. Again, no imaging was done. He was given vicodin and valium for suspected muscle strain. Sent home with knee immobilizer and crutches.
5/3/2010 - Presented to our Sports Medicine Clinic on crutches and unable to bear weight. He complained of progressively worsening R knee pain since November 2009. Initially no trauma until he slipped three weeks prior and had increased pain. Describes a vague pain in his groin and medial aspect of his knee.
Physical Exam:
General - Healthy appearing male with crutches and antalgic gait. Unable to bear any weight on his R leg.
R Knee - No effusion. Full ROM. No tenderness to palpation over the knee. Ligaments intact. McMurray Negative.
R Hip - Severe tenderness to palpation over the anterior aspect of his quadriceps, adductors and R hip. No Hernia. Severe pain and weakness with resisted hip flexion. Unable to do ROM testing secondary to pain. Radiation of pain down his thigh to his knee with provocative testing. Neurovascularly intact.
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