Author: Adae Amoako, MD
Co Author #1: Anthony Shadiack, MD
Co Author #2: Robert Monaco, MD
Patient Presentation:
The patient was an otherwise healthy 19 year old Caucasian female division one collegiate mid-distance runner who came to the office complaining of pain in the left shin. She had been an athlete through out high school and recollected having pain in the same area. However, three weeks prior to coming to the office she had increased her intensity in training and that was when she started experiencing the pain. She described pain as sharp and 3/10 when it first started but had progressively worsened to 9/10 when she was seen. Pain was constant and radiated to the calf region. It was worsened by walking and running. She iced the area but that did not help. She used Ibuprofen and that gave her some temporary relief. She denied any swelling, numbness or tingling in the foot.
Past Medical History: None
Social History: She denies smoking, alcohol use, or illicit drug use
Past Surgical History: None
Family History: Non-contributory
Physical Exam:
Inspection: Normal
Palpation: Tenderness along the anterior mid shaft of the tibia
Neurological: Normal
Special Test: + hop test
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