Persistent Hip Pain Not Always From The Hip - Page #4

Working Diagnosis:
Stage IV Prostate cancer with metastasis to right acetabulum and right superior pubic ramus

Palliative radiation to prostate and right hip (11/5-12/23)
Lupron therapy for 6 months

PSA improved to 1.8 after less than 3 months of therapy. Patient able to return to activity and feeling well at our follow up 6 months out from diagnosis. Continuing with Lupron and following with urology and medical oncology

Editor's Comments:
This case is an excellent example of a patient presenting with musculoskeletal complaints, but a more serious underlying etiology. A high index of suspicion is necessary for acute diagnosis and treatment.

Krych A, et al. Oncologic conditions that simulate common sports injuries. Am Acad Orthop Surg 2014; 22:223-234.

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Phone: 913.327.1415

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