Author: Phuong Huynh, MD
Co Author #1: Susannah M Briskin MD
Co Author #2: Amanda K Weiss Kelly MD
Patient Presentation:
A twenty year old male NCAA Division III football player from the visiting team was evaluated on the sideline during a football game. The patient had spear tackled another player and developed 10 seconds of transient numbness and tingling in his bilateral arms and legs. His teammate assisted him off the field due to lower extremity weakness. The athletic trainer evaluated him on the sidelines, then requested evaluation by the home team's physician. At the time of evaluation, he denied any continuing numbness or tingling or weakness. He had no loss of consciousness or amnesia. He denied any neck pain, arm pain, or headaches.
He was taken by ambulance to the ER for further evaluation.
In high school, he had a single episode of bilateral upper and lower extremity weakness for 15 seconds after he tackled another player, which was unreported. He also reports multiple unilateral stingers in the past.
Physical Exam:
Neck and upper back exam were unremarkable with full, pain-free range of motion of his C-spine and T-spine. He had no tenderness to palpation of the C-spine and T-spine and surrounding musculature. His neurologic exam was remarkable for decreased sensation to light touch over the left antecubital fossa. Otherwise, he had intact cranial nerves, full strength in his upper and lower extremities, and a normal gait.
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